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Challenge 1 ("frog")


Welcome to Flare-On 11! Download this 7zip package, unzip it with the password 'flare', and read the README.txt file for launching instructions. It is written in PyGame so it may be runnable under many architectures, but also includes a pyinstaller created EXE file for easy execution on Windows.

Your mission is get the frog to the "11" statue, and the game will display the flag. Enter the flag on this page to advance to the next stage. All flags in this event are formatted as email addresses ending with the domain.


We are given a 7z file with a small game written in python. I chose to install the pygame dependency and run the game in a python virtual environment.


Clearly, the goal is to get the frog to the statue. To complete the challenge, I simply found a passable block in each wall layer, in other words, played the game without any reversing or looking at the source code — I was sure I would be doing a lot of that later anyways, so I thought, why not have some fun first.


I was too lazy to type the flag into the submission box letter by letter, but conveniently, it was also written to the standard output:

pygame 2.6.0 (SDL 2.28.4, Python 3.12.3)
Hello from the pygame community.