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Challenge 6 ("bloke2")


You’ve been so helpful lately, and that was very good work you did. Yes, I’m going to put it right here, on the refrigerator, very good job indeed. You’re the perfect person to help me with another issue that came up.

One of our lab researchers has mysteriously disappeared. He was working on the prototype for a hashing IP block that worked very much like, but not identically to, the common Blake2 hash family. Last we heard from him, he was working on the testbenches for the unit. One of his labmates swears she knew of a secret message that could be extracted with the testbenches, but she couldn’t quite recall how to trigger it. Maybe you could help?



You should be able to get to the answer by modifying testbenches alone, though there are some helpful diagnostics inside some of the code files which you could uncomment if you want a look at what's going on inside. Brute-forcing won't really help you here; some things have been changed from the true implementation of Blake2 to discourage brute-force attempts.



I will admit that while I was not expecting to see Verilog in a CTF, I was not caught entirely off-guard, thanks to a mandatory course (and in my opinion, one of the coolest courses) at my university, in which you're required to design a single-scalar RISC-V CPU and describe it using this very language.

The challenge turned out not to be very hard if you just looked in the right place, which neither I nor most people that I know or whose posts I have read have. Looking back, I think it's safe to say that it wasn't a very well designed challenge, since apparently, someone solved it using a single ChatGPT prompt, and as such, I will not be going into great depths in this writeup.

The several verilog files in the archive describe a hardware implementation of a modification of the Blake2 hash function, specifically its variants Blake2b and Blake2s, which differ basically only in their respective block sizes. Namely, the files bloke2s.v and bloke2b.v define specializations of a generic module in bloke2.v, which consists of a "data manager" (data_mgr.v) and a compression function $f$ (f_unit.v), which in turn utilises a scheduler module (f_sched.v) and an inner function $g$ (g_unit.v). From my observations, the $g$ function, the number of rounds, initialization vectors, as well as the SIGMA permutation and R0,R1,R2,R3 rotation constants are identical between Blake and Bloke. I suspect the difference is in the construction of the compression function $f$, however, I did not confirm this and it turned out not to be relevant to the challenge at all.

In fact, none of the inner workings or properties of the hash function were relevant. The key to solving the riddle was hidden on line 53 of data_mgr.v:

localparam TEST_VAL = 512'h3c9cf0addf2e45ef548b011f736cc99144bdfee0d69df4090c8a39c520e18ec3bdc1277aad1706f756affca41178dac066e4beb8ab7dd2d1402c4d624aaabe40;

This suspiciously looking "test value" of course contains the encrypted flag. Tracking down where this data gets read leads to line 67 of the same file:

h <= h_in ^ (TEST_VAL & {(W*16){tst}});

which depends on tst, which is a register (line 28, reg tst;) that is assigned the value of the finish input wire (line 40, tst <= finish;) on every start or rst signal. The finish input wire is set in bloke2.v on line 60 and transitively in either testbench on line 22. Effectively, the value of tst is determined by the value assigned to the finish register on line 59 of either testbench. Changing the value from 1'b0 to 1'b1 in bloke2b.v, leaving only the test case hash_message("abc"); and running make tests produces the flag:

vvp  f_sched.test.out
iverilog -g2012 -o bloke2b.test.out bloke2.v f_sched.v f_unit.v g_over_2.v g.v g_unit.v data_mgr.v bloke2s.v bloke2b.v bloke2b_tb.v
vvp  bloke2b.test.out
Received message: